A conflict of interests I suppose?
I did some shopping a couple weekends ago, against my better financial judgment, and I purchased this design on ebay (aka the bay of evil!). Some evil person on the BB showed it and I immediately had to have it. He matches this and this, both of which I have in progress. Very sloooooow progress, but progress all the same.
But, you might say (I know because I have said it to myself), aren't you a Christian? Doesn't that go against everything the Bible teaches? Come on, Laurel, wizards? Enchanters? Magic? Why don't you stick to flowers and sweet Bible verses about God's love? Well, I have some of those too.
In the end, I see this much the way I see Harry Potter and the Christians who were all up in arms over that. I know what I believe. A book or a piece of cross stitch is not going to change what I believe. If it did, I'd seriously need to reexamine my faith. That said, in a lot of ways this is a Christian liberty issue a la Romans 14 and I have friends who have very strong feelings about Harry Potter or about stitching fantasy or certain themes and that's their right. In the same way, I have the right to stitch what I like and what my conscience allows without being lectured by my fellow believers over it. In some matters, I have the weaker conscience, and there are things I don't stitch or do that others have every right to do without incurring judgement from me.