Theology After Midnight

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A conflict of interests I suppose?

So anyone who knows me knows my favorite hobby (and usual obsession) is counted cross stitch. (If you're interested in reading about that more (lots more!), check out my other blog The Purple Needle) The entire needlework industry, and cross stitch design in particular, has come an incredible way in the last 10 years or so and there is more variety of subject matters to stitch today than ever before. Almost anything you can want to stitch, someone somewhere has created and charted a design for it, which they're more than happy to sell you. And my fellow stitchers and I are all too happy to buy. (The operative word being *buy*, I didn't say we actually *stitch* everything we buy!)

I did some shopping a couple weekends ago, against my better financial judgment, and I purchased this design on ebay (aka the bay of evil!). Some evil person on the BB showed it and I immediately had to have it. He matches this and this, both of which I have in progress. Very sloooooow progress, but progress all the same.

But, you might say (I know because I have said it to myself), aren't you a Christian? Doesn't that go against everything the Bible teaches? Come on, Laurel, wizards? Enchanters? Magic? Why don't you stick to flowers and sweet Bible verses about God's love? Well, I have some of those too.

In the end, I see this much the way I see Harry Potter and the Christians who were all up in arms over that. I know what I believe. A book or a piece of cross stitch is not going to change what I believe. If it did, I'd seriously need to reexamine my faith. That said, in a lot of ways this is a Christian liberty issue a la Romans 14 and I have friends who have very strong feelings about Harry Potter or about stitching fantasy or certain themes and that's their right. In the same way, I have the right to stitch what I like and what my conscience allows without being lectured by my fellow believers over it. In some matters, I have the weaker conscience, and there are things I don't stitch or do that others have every right to do without incurring judgement from me.


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